Things to bring in Ayahuasca Retreat
All of yourself and a few stubborn ancestral traits no longer of service to feed to the mother.
Tolerance for others and respect for the nature of ceremony ( you are the ceremony) - it is not a psychedelic trip.
Some warmer clothes - due to ceremonies it is common to be more sensitive to temperatures. For San Pedro ceremony we walk in nature, during the day it is generally warm but towards the night temperatures can drop, so please bring layered clothing.
Hiking or walking/ running shoes.
White or light color ceremony cloths, such as cotton clothing, dresses, ponchos, shamanic necklaces, bracelets, feathers… If you do not have light color clothing bring something that feels special and pleasant to you.
Water bottle

Ceremonial object, to place on the alter, it should have some significance/meaning. (crystals, items of protection, special jewelry, photos of special people in your life such as family members etc)
A pass-time item that is attention and fun based ie - writing, drawing, instrument, so you can learn to express your inner world rather than post your purge bucket on facebook.
A notebook (for scribbling and putting mind to paper)
Toiletries (shampoo and body soap is provided in accommodation). Conditioner, body butters, toothpaste etc are part of your toiletries to bring to the retreat.
Hair dryer (Electrical adapters are provided in room)
Swimsuit and yoga clothes (for Mexican Sweat lodge please bring a darker color swimsuit, as we will have direct contact with the earth, and light colors can get stained/Pachamama can be a bit messy)
Can I bring other foods - yes but read food restriction guidelines (protein bars, nutty bars, raisins etc are ok). But we will have a snack table with fruits and nuts throughout the day to keep you filled in between meals.
Whilst there is wifi there, phone should be in the restricted mode and limited use, in order to enable your own personal self discovery to unfold and to create interaction between participants. (of course we do understand duty of care to children and family members)
Alcohol and recreational drugs… this is a definite - NO. It shall not be tolerated.
Smoking is permitted but away from the general areas as some people are in the process of removing this from their lives during retreat and it can be unpleasant to those that do not smoke.
Smoking is mean't to be for release only, not a smoking escape (smoking and cyclic thoughts and emotional binds go hand in hand ). But if you have a serious inquiry about your own addictive/habitual use, please discuss this with Pitt before the retreat. Smoking is one of the most addictive and hardest substances to remove oneself from. We are not here to police or enforce the unenforceable. As this tends to make people more stubborn in their own righteousness to smoke. So it is a delicate area.